Ken and Rolf chat about their way into intellectual property and about wearable technology – IP Fridays Episode 10 This time we talk about our own ways into intellectual property and also we chat about protection of wearable...
Protecting Wearable Technology – Patent Searching With The Lens – IP News on Monsanto and Apple – IP Fridays Episode 9 In this episode we interview Kevin Nickels, COO of Preventice, about protecting wearable technology. We also have the latest...
Fairway Fox – Ed Timberlake – The Right to be Forgotten – IP Fridays Episode 8 This episode is about Fairway Fox and their case before the TTAB, where we learn about the importance of...
IP Fridays – Episode 5 – Redskins, Nontraditional Trademarks and Facebook Drones This episode is about the recent cancellation of the Redskins trademarks, an interview with Elizabeth King about non-traditional trademarks...
IP Fridays – Episode 3 – the Petrella case by the US Supreme Court, the second part of the interview with John L. Welch of the TTABlog, and the latest about generic toplevel domains gTLDs This episode is about the recent Petrella Case decided by the US Supreme Court, the second part of the...